Denver, CO
NFJS 2021 Live Tour (with Virtual Option)
The Definitive Conference Series for Software Developers and Architects
GIDS.AI&ML/Data Live online training
06 Aug, 2020
11:00 UTC
From operating system on bare metal, to virtual machines on hypervisors, to containers orchestration platforms. How we run our code and bundle our applications continues to evolve. Serverless computing continues our evolutionary path for our architectures.
Kubernetes provides an ideal, vendor-agnostic platform for serverless computing. Serverless promises to developers that we can worry less about the cluster and focus more on their logic. Based on your Kubernetes knowledge we will discover the various contributors of serverless frameworks on Kubernetes. Specifically, we will unpack how two open-source serverless frameworks, Kubeless and OpenFaaS, leverage Kubernetes to achieve their promises. We will explore how Knative is helping the serverless providers evolve to the next level of sophistication.