NFJS UberConf Webinar
Konsumer Driven Kontracts
PACT Testing on Kubernetes
Understanding ideas of consumer-driven contracts and running them on Kubernetes.
O’Reilly Live Online Training
03 Feb, 2021
14:00 UTC
O’Reilly Subscription
This course extends what you learned about the fundamentals of building containers and running them on Kubernetes. You know how to use the tools—now you need to think like an architect. You have a pile of virtual LEGO® blocks in front of you, it’s time to start building. You may be surprised that many domain patterns in more traditional architectures (like object-oriented) often translate well to Kubernetes. With help from Jonathan, you’ll move your thinking from single memory and thread pools to distributed pools. There are many patterns to explore.
This course is part of the larger 3 part series with a total of 9 weeks of Kubernetes topics. These online trainings get you started then productive with the best de facto operating system for distributed cloud computing.
Distributed application architectures are hard. The complexity in building containers and designing microservices to work together across a network can be overwhelming. To successfully manage limitations on resources, failing networks, defective software, and fluctuating traffic, you need an orchestrator.
Kubernetes is designed to handle these complexities, so you don’t have to. Essentially a distributed operating system for your data center, you give Kubernetes containers, and it makes sure that they remain available and responsive. As such, Kubernetes is quickly becoming the preferred way to serve distributed, scalable, and resilient applications.
Jonathan Johnson walks you through Kubernetes building blocks to demonstrate how the tool actually works. You may already understand containers—the tricky part is getting a whole set of containers and services to consistently work together and run reliably. In this three-part series, you’ll get comfortable designing, deploying, managing, and updating a coordinated set of applications running on Kubernetes.