NFJS Virtual Workshop
Khaos and Kontracts for Kubernetes Kuality
Virtual Workshop
Understanding ideas of consumer-driven contracts and chaos engineering on Kubernetes
ÜberConf is our flagship educational event for software engineers and technical leaders. With 10 concurrent tracks, 140 sessions, and 10 full-day workshops; ÜberConf is truly the ultimate destination for passionate technologists.
No Fluff Just Stuff is focused on delivering a completely attendee-centric experience, free from vendor bias. NFJS proudly features the best speakers in the industry with both knowledge and passion for teaching. Our iterative content is updated not only year-to-year but, week-to-week!
Since 2001, the No Fluff Just Stuff Software Symposium Tour has delivered over 550 events with over 90,000 attendees. NFJS is known for its attendee centric approach, excellent speakers and technically rich presentations which cover the latest trends within the modern software development and architecture space. Bring your team to a local No Fluff Just Stuff Tour Stop and join us for a one-of-a-kind experience!
This is an exciting time of innovation and rapid change. Our 90-minute in-depth sessions will help you stay on top of the latest developments in the software industry.
A key success factor is to choose the right tools and use them efficiently. Sessions at an NFJS event will help you evaluate and understand tools that will give you a competitive advantage.
Your architecture decisions have a long lasting impact. Our experts will share their experience and insight to help you master architecture skills and create value in your organization.
Successful organizations require effective teams. These are important skills. Many NFJS sessions go beyond code and focus on how we can more effectively work together.