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Challenge your skills by producing and consuming streams on Kubernetes.

Stream Processing

Challenge your skills by producing and consuming streams on Kubernetes.
Stream Processing

This is a skill assessment lab to help strengthen your understanding of applications that produce and consume events through Kafka streams, all running on Kubernetes.

You will be asked to start Kafka and use two apps to send (produce) and receive (consume) data over a Kafka stream. All the instructions will guide you through the necessary steps, even if you are unfamiliar with Kafka.

In this challenge, you will be asked to:

    ☐ Install a generic container image registry
    ☐ Build and run a containerized app to produce data to a Kafka stream
    ☐ Build and run a containerized app to consume data from a Kafka stream
    ☐ Install Kafka on Kubernetes
    ☐ Send data through a Kafka stream

If you are unfamiliar with Kafka, you may want to start with this documentation first .

This challenge will self-destruct in 60 minutes.




    40 minutes


    31 Dec, 2021
