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  • First Kubernetes Application

Run your first application on Kubernetes.

First Kubernetes Application

Run your first application on Kubernetes.
First Kubernetes Application


This lab takes you through the basics of deploying an application on Kubernetes. The application is nothing notable, but it’s simple enough to get started.

In this lab, you will learn how to:

    ☐ Deploy and start the echoserver application
    ☐ Scale the application
    ☐ Use Services to load balance between multiple Pods of the app
    ☐ Leverage Kubernetes resilience to maintain the declared state even with failures
    ☐ Rollout a new version of an application

It’s not vital, but you may want to first walk through the introduction to Kubernetes covered in the Minikube lab of this course.




    20 minutes


    31 Dec, 2021
