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Packaging Rust applications in containers

Rust to Kubernetes

Packaging Rust applications in containers
Rust to Kubernetes

Ready to climb a mountain? In this lab, you will deploy a small microservices-based application that runs on Kubernetes. The two primary topics we will cover are:

  • Discovering some efficient ways of bundling a Rust application into a distilled container
  • Discovering how a Node.js applications can communicate through gRPC to a Rust microservice

The application consists of two applications. The server application is the model running as a microservice, written in Rust. The client application is a small Express web interface. Both applications communicate via gRPC. The UI will present the standard create, read, update, and delete actions (CRUD).

In this lab, you will learn how to:

    ☐ Write a simple Rust Hello World application
    ☐ Write a simple Rust-based microservice
    ☐ Write a getting started Node.js web application
    ☐ Communicate between two applications using gRPC
    ☐ Compose a Rust application into a distilled container
    ☐ Push a container to a private registry on Kubernetes
    ☐ Instruct Kubernetes to start an application
    ☐ Access an application service running on Kubernetes

All of this you will build into containers and run on Kubernetes.




    15 minutes


    31 Dec, 2021