Discover where your app logs are stored and how to inspect them

Kubernetes Logs

Discover where your app logs are stored and how to inspect them
Kubernetes Logs

Kubernetes Logging

Traditionally, applications on servers generate logs that are often routed to /var/log. Container runtime engines and Kubernetes also produce logs in the same location, but there are considerations when applications are scaled and replicated across many nodes in your cluster. The Kubernetes API has techniques to obtain these logs. These are solid techniques for debugging and spot checking. Production-level observability includes patterns that use DaemonSets and Sidecars to collect and stream these logs to other data stores optimized for persistence and queries.

This lab explores the basic techniques for inspecting the logs generated by Kubernetes and containers distributed across your cluster.

In this lab, you will learn how to:

    ☐ Ensure that your 12-factor application generates logs to streams
    ☐ Inspect Kubernetes cluster events
    ☐ Inspect container logs across multiple Pods
    ☐ Use some convenient command-line tools to view log aggregations




    15 minutes


    31 Dec, 2021